1:47:00 PM

Social Responsibility Opportunity
Independence Elementary School
Annual Career Day
May 9, 2014 
Need:                  Hispanic professionals to talk to the kids to inspire them to
                             purse a professional degree.
School fact:        School's population is about 70% Hispanic.
Program:            Morning session 8:15-10:30 a.m.
                             Afternoon session: 12:45-2:30 p.m.
                            15-30 minutes conversation with the kids | 4 - 6
Contact:              Susan Budilovsky-Robson |214.727.5168
Website:             http://independence.lisd.net/   

After the event: If you want to make public you participation and
                              contribution on the LiA social media, send us a
                              synopsis and pictures.  
 LiA Contact:       David Muñoz | David.Munoz@hok.com
                              Gloria Espino | g.espino@hotmail.com


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